
Two WUR-alumni visit COP27 in Egypt by bike

Published on
November 7, 2022

Aisha Hassan and Lukas Paltanavičius, both WUR alumni (2022), are cycling from Wageningen to Tanzania. Along their route, they visit and shoot videos of sustainable farms. Their project is called Cycle to farms. At this moment they are in Egypt and decided to pay a visit to COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh.

"During our studies at WUR, we learned so much about the global food system. After graduating we wanted to elevate our understanding of the global food system and its challenges by focusing on solutions to these challenges. We wanted to delve deeper into understanding regenerative agriculture as a solution to combat climate change and the challenges of the global food system. We decided to combine our interests -cycling, visiting farms, and video making into a project called ‘Cycle to farms’. We have finally been able to do what we always wanted to do but never dared before. Though it was not easy, we decide to go for this lifetime learning journey.”

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4000 km

So far, they have crossed 10 countries, visited over 15 regenerative agriculture farms, and cycled over 4000 km. During their journey they have seen dried-out rivers, tree graveyards, and wildfires but they have also seen how the farms are creating microclimates to tackle biodiversity losses and enrich soil health. Lukas: “Seeing how the farms we visit are making a change is what keeps us going."


At this moment they have reached Egypt, where they visited at least two (regenerative) farms. Aisha and Lukas have received badges from Rainforest Alliance to attend #COP27in Sharm el Sheikh. Aisha: “Not only are we spreading the farmers' stories, but we are also encouraging other young people to make their voices heard. If you are planning to be in Sharm el Sheikh for the first week of COP27, we would love to meet and discuss our insights from a farmers and youth perspective on#regenerativeagriculturein the EU, Middle East and Africa. We look forward to discussing how best to support the transition to#climateresilientagriculture.”

Want to know more?

You can follow these two alumni (route, timeline, farms, why, budget, blog and video’s) on their website Cycle to farms or via LinkedIn. Or read the interviews with Lukas and Aisha in Resource: